Sunday, October 20, 2013

4 Top Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Tests

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the most common of the two types of lung cancer representing 80% of all diagnoses. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is the less common of the two accounting for the remaining 20%. This disease develops when the cells of the lung start to grow in a rapid and out of control way.

This eventually leads to the formation of a cancerous tumour which destroys the surrounding lung cells. There are a number of symptoms related to NSCLC including a constant cough, chest pains and feeling tired all of the time. If you notice these symptoms or have any other reason to suspect you have this cancer you should go see your doctor right away. They will then be able to perform a number of tests for NSCLC which I will be discussing in this article.

 1) PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:- A physical examination will begin with a few questions about your overall health. They will then ask you about any symptoms you have been experiencing. They are also likely to ask you about your smoking habits. If the doctor believes you may have NSCLC after the physical exam they are likely to request that you participate in further lung cancer tests.

 2) CHEST X-RAY:- If after the physical examination your doctor believes you may be at risk for NSCLC they may suggest an x-ray of your chest. This will allow them to take a picture of the lungs so that they can look for any abnormalities or potential tumours. Depending upon what the x-ray reveals your doctor may follow up with further non-small cell lung cancer tests or start you on a treatment plan.

 3) COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAPHY (CT) SCAN:- A CT scan is similar to an x-ray but takes multiple pictures of your lungs. This then allows a three dimensional image of the inside of your lungs to be built. If a chest x-ray revealed any abnormalities a CT scan may be used to allow your doctor to investigate them further. Following the CT scan your doctor will either schedule another type of test or start discussing treatments with you.

 4) BRONCHOSCOPY:- This non-small cell lung cancer test allows your doctor to look at the insides of your airways using a bronchoscope (a small, flexible tube containing either a camera or an eyepiece). If a chest x-ray or CT scan have revealed any abnormalities on your lungs a bronchoscopy will allow your doctor to have a look at them first hand. The bronchoscope can also take tissue samples from any abnormalities if necessary. These samples can then be tested in a laboratory for the presence of cancerous cells.

 Non-small cell lung cancer is believed to cause approximately 40,000 deaths each year in the UK. Therefore, if you have any reason to be suspicious go see your doctor right away and ask them about NSCLC testing. I hope this article has given you a greater insight into the testing process and let you know what to expect.

 Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Lung cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.
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3 Possible Warning Signs For Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

There are two types of lung cancer; non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). NSCLC is the most prevalent of the two with around 80% of lung cancer cases being this type. It begins when the cells of the lungs start to grow rapidly and uncontrollably which ultimately leads to the formation of a tumour. This tumour continues to grow and damages the lung cells around it. NSCLC can go unnoticed but if you know what to look out for it can be diagnosed and treated early. In this article I will be discussing three of the possible warning signs for NSCLC.

 1) CHEST PAINS:- Chest pain is a possible warning sign for non-small cell lung cancer. The chest pain may be constant or sporadic. Some chest pains will only come about when you are breathing or coughing. However, other chest pains will have no apparent cause. If you notice any type of chest pain you should go and see your doctor right away. They will then be able to determine the cause of these chest pains and let you know if they are related to NSCLC.

 2) COUGHING:- Any cough that lingers for more than a week or two usually indicates that there is a problem with your lungs. Some coughs will be basic and just make your throat feel dry. However, other coughs will be more serious and cause pain or result in blood being coughed up. If you notice any type of cough that does not disappear after a week then you should inform your doctor. If any blood comes up you should go see your doctor immediately as this is one of the more serious NSCLC symptoms. Although the coughing may prove not to be linked to NSCLC your doctor will be able to perform the tests and give you an accurate diagnosis.

 3) FATIGUE.- A number of cancers including NSCLC can cause you to become fatigued. This is when you feel tired and lack energy all the time, even if you have adequate rest. It is not fully understood why non-small cell lung cancer leads to fatigue but one good theory is that the cancerous cells compete for nutrients at the expense of normal cells. This then prevents the normal cells from growing and functioning properly. If you feel extremely tired and these feelings do not go away even when you get plenty of rest and sleep you should go see your doctor. They will then be able to identify the cause of this chronic fatigue.

 NSCLC is responsible for approximately 40,000 deaths each year. However, it is much more treatable if it is caught early. If you notice any of the above early warning signs you need to consult your doctor right away. Although the symptoms may be unrelated to non-small cell lung cancer they are often your body's way of telling you that something is up. Your doctor will be able to see what is causing these symptoms and provide you with the proper advice and treatment.

 Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Lung cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.
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Lung Cancer Alternative Treatments

If your doctor has told you that your lung cancer can't be cured, you may be tempted to turn to complementary and alternative medicine for answers. But this doesn't mean you have to choose between conventional treatments and alternative treatments. Rather than forgoing mainstream cancer treatments, using complementary and alternative treatments along with care from your doctor may be a reasonable option. Your doctor can help you weigh the benefits and risks of complementary and alternative treatments. The American College of Chest Physicians reviewed available complementary and alternative treatments and found some therapies may be helpful for people with lung cancer, including accupuncture, hypnosis, massage, meditation and yoga. The alternative treatments above are basically palliative treatments aimed to lessen the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and not curing the cancer. Patients can then enjoy quality time and for longer period too. However, some alternative treatments such as Vitamin C Intravenous Infusion and Baking Soda water have even reversed the cancer and convert cancer cells back to healthy ones. Combined with mostly vegan cancer-friendly diet, the recovery cases have doctors sctratching their heads. Some newer alternative cancer treatments are giving lung cancer patients new hope, but there are never any guarantees treating advanced lung cancer because there are so many things that can go wrong. The Brandt Grape Cure is always recommended as a replacement for the "cancer diet" of any other alternative cancer treatment. This diet involve eating only grapes to flood the body with the goodness of antioxidant. Though going to an alternative treatment route is perceived to be healthier, cancer experts said they tend not to recommend the procedures. This is mainly because alternative treatments are not FDA-approved and have no clear proof of success. There aren't stats on alternative treatments because there are no sponsors and there are strict guidelines that must be followed in order to publish a statistic. Health insurance does not cover the cost of alternative treatment, but the good news is alternative treatments need not cost a lot of money. Since this is the aspect that the patient have control over in his or her cancer battle, it is worth a try.
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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Get Tested And Avoid Lung Cancer

Smoking is BAD! Is there still a living soul that doesn't know and understand this? There can't be. The media won't let such a thing happen. Just take a gander at all the anti-smoking commercials aired daily. If they don't get the point across, nothing will. As we all know, smoking leads to lung cancer. It's not exclusively for those with poor genetics or smokers over the age of 65. It can apply to anyone who lights up regularly.

One measly cigarette will taint your lungs for a full month. Imagine what a pack a day will do to them. We're talking some serious damage here. So, if you're still on the fence about smoking, I think it's time for a few recent articles on lung cancer.

 A surprising finding is that if your parents smoked in the house during your childhood and adolescence, your risk of lung cancer is double as an adult even if you yourself don't smoke. Parents, think again lighting up your next cigarette!

This year, lung cancer will kill about 163,500 Americans and remains the number one cause of cancer deaths taking more lives than colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined.

 More than one billion people worldwide are smokers even though nine out of ten lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking. By the year 2020 it's estimated that as many as ten million people a year will die of smoking related diseases unless radical action is taken to curb the advance of the mega-bucks tobacco industry into Third World countries.

About three quarters of those ten million deaths will be in developing nations. I love to read. Not just novels and the Sunday paper. I mean I really like to read and learn about new things. It's refreshing and I need to know what's happening in the world today. If it's not articles on lung cancer, its break-throughs regarding heart disease or prostate enlargement.

 I learned a little bit about how diet affects lung cancer. An apple a day may keep lung cancer away. A Finnish study suggests that apples not only keep doctors away, but provide protection for the lungs as well. This study found that people who ate the most apples were 58 % less likely to develop lung cancer. Other studies suggest that lung cancer risk is lower among smokers and non smokers who ate at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits daily. It's always prudent to add new data to the brain banks.

This way you don't wander through life like a naive, uninformed dolt. You prevent things before they occur, and you seek the newest medications upon the detection of a health affliction. With some health issues, it's pretty cut and dry.

One would think that common sense would overrule, but apparently it doesn't. If it did, folks wouldn't still be smoking like chimneys. Some individuals just need a scare before they can get on the smoke-free bandwagon. If current articles on lung cancer won't do the trick, maybe respiratory problems will. Make sure you get tested for lung cancer.

In approximately 25% of people with lung cancer, there are no symptoms and the cancer is detected during screening or a routine physical examination. However, in three-quarters of lung cancer patients there are warning symptoms and signs that can alert the patient or their physician.

 One of the most amusing things I've ever seen is a person smoking through the hole cut out of their throat. Now that's bright! Obviously some people have a horrible time kicking the habit. However, there is irrefutable evidence linking smoking to serious health afflictions.

Any articles on lung cancer, asthma and Bronchitis can inform you of this. We need to work toward a smoke-free environment, because all the rest of us are being assaulted by the second-hand stuff. That's not right! Kick the habit before it kicks you off the primordial coil.
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Lung Cancer: Basic Facts

We all have heard of lung cancer but how many of us are well aware of its symptoms? The lung cancer is one of the most perilous diseases that kill thousands of Americans every year and each year the number of cases are increasing. With the occurrences of lung cancer on the rise, it is essential that we learn about the basic factors leading to lung cancer and what should be the courses of action in case of lung cancer diagnosis.

Here are the basic information regarding lung cancer that will help you to understand how and when it develops and how to steer clear of this killer disease. Lung cancer is that condition of your lungs where an abnormal reproduction of cells takes place. And it can happen in one or both of your lungs. Sometimes lumps of cancerous cells or the tumors invade the organs.

Our lungs allow the oxygen from the air to pass into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide to eliminate from the system. Now any kind of lung disease including lung cancer impairs this function of lungs to transfer oxygen into blood and remove carbon dioxide from it.

The result is many kinds of disorders relating to breathing trouble and cough. Do you know what the most dreadful part of the lung cancer is? One rarely comes to suspect that he or she is suffering from lung cancer until it is too late and goes beyond any kind of treatment.

This is because, signs and symptoms associated with lung cancer are never acute or alarming until the later stages of malignancy and it is often at this stage when someone starts to experience the typical symptoms of lung cancer. So it is recommended that if you ever experience any symptom even remotely related to lung cancer, rush to the doctor without delay so that in case of diagnosis of lung cancer you can avail the treatments as early as possible.

The earlier the disease is diagnosed; greater are the chances of survival. So what are the common symptoms of lung cancer? Nagging cough that seems never to end coupled with constant chest pain may be the warning of something being grossly wrong with your lungs. If you are suffering from recurring pneumonia or bronchitis, it may be an indication that you should immediately see an oncologist.

The person displaying certain apathy for food followed by a remarkable weight loss may be an indication of lung cancer and the patients of lung cancer often complain of fatigue. However, swelling of neck and face is also one of the symptoms of lung cancer.

 Remember lung cancer can be prevented if you give up smoking. So stay away from the cigars, cigarettes, pipes and other tobacco products. Also insist that the smokers should always smoke inside the smoking zone; do not allow the second hand smokes damage your lungs.
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Detection of cancer , Lung cancer stages , Lung cancer facts , Cancer articles , Symptoms of lung cancer 2012