Sunday, October 20, 2013

3 Possible Warning Signs For Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

There are two types of lung cancer; non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). NSCLC is the most prevalent of the two with around 80% of lung cancer cases being this type. It begins when the cells of the lungs start to grow rapidly and uncontrollably which ultimately leads to the formation of a tumour. This tumour continues to grow and damages the lung cells around it. NSCLC can go unnoticed but if you know what to look out for it can be diagnosed and treated early. In this article I will be discussing three of the possible warning signs for NSCLC.

 1) CHEST PAINS:- Chest pain is a possible warning sign for non-small cell lung cancer. The chest pain may be constant or sporadic. Some chest pains will only come about when you are breathing or coughing. However, other chest pains will have no apparent cause. If you notice any type of chest pain you should go and see your doctor right away. They will then be able to determine the cause of these chest pains and let you know if they are related to NSCLC.

 2) COUGHING:- Any cough that lingers for more than a week or two usually indicates that there is a problem with your lungs. Some coughs will be basic and just make your throat feel dry. However, other coughs will be more serious and cause pain or result in blood being coughed up. If you notice any type of cough that does not disappear after a week then you should inform your doctor. If any blood comes up you should go see your doctor immediately as this is one of the more serious NSCLC symptoms. Although the coughing may prove not to be linked to NSCLC your doctor will be able to perform the tests and give you an accurate diagnosis.

 3) FATIGUE.- A number of cancers including NSCLC can cause you to become fatigued. This is when you feel tired and lack energy all the time, even if you have adequate rest. It is not fully understood why non-small cell lung cancer leads to fatigue but one good theory is that the cancerous cells compete for nutrients at the expense of normal cells. This then prevents the normal cells from growing and functioning properly. If you feel extremely tired and these feelings do not go away even when you get plenty of rest and sleep you should go see your doctor. They will then be able to identify the cause of this chronic fatigue.

 NSCLC is responsible for approximately 40,000 deaths each year. However, it is much more treatable if it is caught early. If you notice any of the above early warning signs you need to consult your doctor right away. Although the symptoms may be unrelated to non-small cell lung cancer they are often your body's way of telling you that something is up. Your doctor will be able to see what is causing these symptoms and provide you with the proper advice and treatment.

 Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Lung cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.
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Detection of cancer , Lung cancer stages , Lung cancer facts , Cancer articles , Symptoms of lung cancer 2012